Scheduled Maintenance
Preserve the smooth operation and longevity of your ride. Follow your car's maintenance schedule with our expert services—from oil changes to major tune-ups.
Our vetted mechanics come to you. Please provide your full service address to see if our mechanics cover your area.
We are checking if we have mechanics in your area.
Our experienced mechanics can work on thousands of cars. Select the make, year, model, and engine capacity of your car.
We are fetching all the cars we can help you with.
We offer a range of services to keep your car in top condition. Choose the service you need for your car by first selecting a service category below.
Experiencing trouble with your vehicle? Let our comprehensive diagnostic checks uncover any issues, ensuring a clear path to optimal car health.
Preserve the smooth operation and longevity of your ride. Follow your car's maintenance schedule with our expert services—from oil changes to major tune-ups.
Restore your car's performance and safety with our repair services beyond routine maintenance. We handle everything from wiper blades to clutch kits and more.
If our listed services don't cover your needs, don't worry! Describe your specific issue or service request, and we'll provide personalized assistance to ensure your vehicle gets exactly what it needs.
We are checking our system for all the services where we can quote you upfront.
Our vetted mechanics come to you. Select a mechanic to book for a date that is convenient for you.
Note to secure and finalise this booking you will now be directed to checkout to pay.
Once payment is made, your booking will be secured at the costs provided.
We are matching you to available mechanics that operate in your area.
Unfortunately, a cost for parts is not immediately available for one or more of the services selected. Our customer success team will source an additional quote from our suppliers for the parts required to complete this booking. You will receive an update via email shortly to notify you when.
Unfortunately, our top-rated Fixxr mobile mechanics are currently not available at the address you have requested. Do you have another address that we can use for this service?
The time needed to complete the services you have chosen is longer than our daily operating times. To continue, please confirm that you need all the selected services. We will match you with one of our top-rated Fixxr Mobile Mechanics.
Tell us where you are based, what car you are experiencing issues with and what you think is wrong (e.g., “my car is shaking” or “I need new brakes”) and we take care of the rest.
All our mobile mechanics have agreed to honor the quotes we provide. This ensures that there will be no need for negotiations or any last minute surprises.
Select a time and place that works for you and provide payment information to book your service. We support a number of online payment options.
We’re sorry, but Fixxr mechanics are not currently available in your area.
If you’re interested in having Fixxr come to you, please fill out the form below. This will let us know where you need us, and we’ll reach out to explore potential solutions.